Everyday People Coffee & Tea

Ethiopia Natural Single Origin- Medium Light Roast

Bag Size


Brew a cup of history with this Ethiopia Natural Single Origin Coffee. Crafted from its birthplace, this Ethiopia Natural Single Origin Coffee is renowned for its unique native vegetation. Its origins trace back centuries to the 5th century, when the Oromo people are said to have first used it as a food. With its origins in the Oromia region of north-central Ethiopia, this coffee is a truly one-of-a-kind, full-bodied selection

For over 20 years, the Oromia Coffee Farmers Coop has worked with 15 million Ethiopian farmers to deliver a high quality, organic Arabica coffee produced with Fair Trade principles. Enjoy the unique flavor of a country with a centuries-old coffee tradition.


Roast Level: Medium- Light Roast  

Tasting Notes: Milk chocolate, Fruity, Caramel

Process: Full natural, sorted by hand. Dried on raised bed

Soil: Nitisols

Origin: Oromia region of Ethiopia 

Grower: Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (OCFCU)

Varieties: Indigenous Heirloom Cultivars

Altitude: 1,000-2,500M

Certifications: Natural

Learn More About Coffee From Ethiopia

Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (OCFCU) is a small farmers cooperative union located in Ethiopia's Oromia Regional State. Established in 1999, 65% of the country's coffee is grown in the region. OCFCU is a democratic member's owned business, dedicated to providing organic Arabica coffee for export whilst promoting fair trade principles.

OCFCU's coffee is certified organic, traceable, UTZ, Rain Forest Alliance and fair trade. The fair trade premium is reinvested in social projects such as education, health care posts, and access to clean water and bridges. Enjoy a cup of coffee while knowing you're supporting sustainable, ethical business practices.

OCFCU is a coffee cooperative that pays an impressive 70% net profit back to the cooperatives and their farmers. This member-focused model has helped them grow from 34 cooperatives to 407, with over 557,000 households in their network. By rewarding their farmers, their capital has grown from $90,000 to a total of $20,763,000, resulting in improved lives and access to social services.

Customer Reviews

Based on 26 reviews

Absolutely superb! The flavors are rich and complex, making every sip a pleasure.


A great light roast with a pleasant fruity taste. Ideal for a gentle start to the day.


Refreshing and light, with a pleasant aftertaste. Perfect for those who enjoy a milder coffee.


Didn't quite enjoy the light roast. Prefer a darker, stronger brew.


Have been drinking this for months, and it never fails to impress.